About the Booking

After scheduling the session the candidate will receive an automated message with the payment information.

Currently, only Paypal is accepted. Card payment to be supported soon.

About the Session

Each session will last 1 hour and can be used in one of the following options: Case Session or PEI Session (Personal Experience Interview) or Real Interview.

Case Session: In case the candidate opt for a Case Session, a real case will be presented and solved during the session followed by a detailed feedback in which the candidate will get to know where his performance stands in terms of Analytical, Conceptual and Quantitative skills and which are the key developments needed in each dimension to reach the next level of performance. Given this session will be focused on case interview, the candidate will receive more in depth details and tips on how to improve his casing skills.

PEI Session: In case the candidate opt for a PEI Session, the candidate will have the chance to assess his stories for the 4 PEI dimensions at McKinsey (Personal Impact, Inclusive Leadership, Courageous Change, Entrepreneurial Drive). The candidate will tell his stories, hear exactly what he needs to cover in each dimension and also receive tips on how to adjust his stories.

Real Interview: This is a mix of both session types above, in which the full interview (PEI + Case) will be assessed similarly to the real interview, followed by a detailed feedback on both PEI and case.

Once the session is scheduled, the candidate will receive an email requesting additional information (current case experience, current goals and type of session desired).

Mainly McKinsey cases. Unless the candidate needs to practice a candidate-led case, in this case his need will be met.

You can surely indicate the type of case you prefer and the coach will try to accommodate, however if you have a strong requirement on very specific types of cases, I recommend you reach out to contact@mbbpass.com upfront to check to feasibility.

At the end of the session you will receive:

  1. Very detailed feedback in oral form
  2. Written recommended framework for the case done

Full cases might not be shared given confidentiality, but any doubts and questions during or after the session will be covered without any additional charge. We will never left any candidate without full clarity.

Once you have done your first session with us, you are one of our candidates. Given that, we are committed with your success and will be available for any questions or doubts you might have.


Just reach out to us on: contact@mbbpass.com